Friday, June 8, 2007

Coming Down the Home Stretch

Matt's at about 30th and 7th, and is trying to knock off one last language and cuisine, as well as trying to find a park to clean up trash to serve as his volunteer work for the checklist. He's moving along steadily, but his pace has slowed a bit due to general fatigue and increasing foot pain.

On another note, I've never used an internet in a Burger King before. First time for everything, I suppose. For all you "Who eats at a BK in NYC?" types, don't worry - I'm not actually eating anything here.

Matt thinks the time for meeting at City Hall will be closer to 10 than 9:30. In any event, we won't leave before 10, so feel free to meet up with us then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Matt Go!